Brian Mowrey Encourages Gordon to “Say Yes” to DEEP FAITH

This year’s DEEP FAITH Week—what Chaplain Bob Whittet called “a three-day retreat interrupted by classes”—brought Lead Pastor of Walnut Hill Community Church Rev. Dr. Brian Mowrey to Gordon to explore what it means for us to say “yes” to the Lord in a series of four sermons.
Villodas Takes DEEP FAITH into “The Depths of the Soul”

DEEP FAITH Week 2020 brought to campus Rich Villodas, pastor of New Life Fellowship Church in New York City, who preached a message of radical transformation from the inside out.
DEEP FAITH 2018: Reasons to Live

“You’re not here by accident,” Alexander said. “You are not here by happenstance. You are here by divine intention . . . God wanted you and God wants you to live.”