Alumni in the Peace Corps: Building Cultural Bridges in Nicaragua

While studying at Gordon, Anna Jonker ’14 was met with a life-changing opportunity that began when she met a Peace Corps representative at a career fair and received a nudge of encouragement from Dr. Dorothy Boorse (biology).
Alumni in the Peace Corps: Cross-Cultural Understanding in Ghana

Since 2015, Roland has been serving as an agriculture volunteer in northern Ghana, where he teaches farm management practices and helps groups of farmers form mutually beneficial partnerships.
Gordon Biology Professor Receives Fulbright Scholarship

Professor of Biology Greg Keller was recently awarded a Fulbright Scholarship for the Arctic Initiative, where he will focus on the habitat use, breeding behavior and parasite load of birds in woodland patches.
Presidential Perspectives: At the Center and Top of the World

In a new series on The Bell, President Lindsay will be bringing a variety of perspectives from his corner office in Frost to the far-flung corners of the world where he travels—and everything in between.
Beauty in the Dust: Reflections on the Israel Seminar

“It took me going across the globe in a puddle of tenderness to fully grasp who God is and the way he so specifically uses Israel in the story of faith.” Ali Bolsinger ’19 shares her experience on the Israel Seminar in an interview with The Bell.