How Does Race Affect Daily Life in America? An Interview with Bil Mooney-McCoy, Part II

In Part II of The Bell’s two-part interview with Director of Worship Bil Mooney-McCoy, we pick up the conversation by hearing from Mooney-McCoy about what it’s like to be black in America in 2020.
How Much of Dr. King’s Dream Came True? An Interview with Bil Mooney-McCoy, Part I

To honor Dr. King, The Bell interviewed Director of Worship Bil Mooney-McCoy who, in addition to his work as an accomplished musician, is a teacher of racial reconciliation and the father of a professional Christian rapper.
An Interview with N.T. Wright: Part 1

During N. T. Wright’s recent visit to campus, The Bell had a chance to sit down with the renowned theologian, scholar and author. This is Part I of a two-part interview with N. T. Wright.