Students Engineer Tech Toys in the Spirit of Christmas

Using the programming and engineering skills they have accumulated to date, first-year engineering students were given the task of creating a Christmas toy—many even went the extra mile and presented their creations in Christmas giftwrap.
3-2 Students Graduate Again
Before starting college, “I knew I was interested in engineering, but was also interested in going to a Christian school,” says Cole Umemura ’14. He found the best of both worlds in Gordon’s 3-2 engineering program, in which… Read More
Gravitational Waves and a Gordon Student

“Physics major Rebecca Li ’17 played a part in this awesome verification of Einstein’s theory of general relativity, which predicted the existence of these waves 100 years ago,” writes Dr. David Lee, chair of Gordon’s Physics Department.
New Science Lab Wing for Undergraduate Research at Gordon

The new space features a machine shop for physics students, a vivarium and aquarium for biology and psychology students, and a cadaver lab for kinesiology and pre-health professions students.
Gordon’s Education Program Recognized for Effective Content Preparation

Gordon’s Department of Education has been recognized by the National Council on Teacher Quality as one of the top 35 programs in the country for preparing future teachers in content mastery.