Stories from Scotland (Part 3): Tips for Traveling Europe like a Traveler, Not a Tourist

Did you know that more than 40 percent of Gordon students study abroad at some point during their four years? Business administration major Chan Mi Kim ’16 is one of them. Having lived in Korea, Vietnam and Malaysia—and… Read More
Schuyler Anderson ’14: Effecting Change—One Skateboard at a Time

“How can we as a company best be loving our neighbors and best be looking out for others through our profits?” asks Schuyler Anderson ’14, co-owner of Salemtown Board Co. “That filters into every aspect of what we’re doing.”
Rachel Stalker ’15: Teaching Beyond Borders
The summer isn’t even halfway over yet, and Rachel Stalker ’15 has two international teaching jobs. Rachel graduated with majors in both elementary education and linguistics with a concentration in English as a second language (ESL), a Spanish… Read More