Horns and Feathers: The Experience of Undergraduate Research
Kinesiology professor and French horn player Dr. Peter Iltis hails from a long line of talented musicians. When a movement disorder diagnosis threatened to curtail his playing, he set out to learn all he could. Now he is… Read More
Gravitational Waves and a Gordon Student

“Physics major Rebecca Li ’17 played a part in this awesome verification of Einstein’s theory of general relativity, which predicted the existence of these waves 100 years ago,” writes Dr. David Lee, chair of Gordon’s Physics Department.
Hunkering Down and Venturing Out on Snow Days

When two back-to-back snow storms roll through, Gordon students take advantage of the campus shut-down. On the docket were cross-country skiing, blanket fort building, sledding, snowball fights on the quad, and, of course, catching up on homework with… Read More