Remembering Dr. John Burgess, an “Education Legend”


Dr. John Allyne Burgess III, who was a longtime member of the Department of Education at Gordon College before retiring in 1992, died April 29 at his home in Raymond, New Hampshire., at the age of 92. John… Read More

Aflac’s Dan Amos Fits the (Duck) Bill at CEO Colloquium


“When you think of Aflac I’m quite certain the first thing that comes to mind…is the Aflac duck,” joked Pam Hamlin, global president of Arnold Worldwide and host of last week’s CEO Colloquium, a Gordon College initiative. Hamlin’s… Read More

Gordon College Appoints New CFI Director

Gordon College is pleased to announce the selection of Rev. Dr. William D. Barker ’98 as Director of the Center for Faith and Inquiry (CFI) and the Gordon Honors Program.