Alumni in the Peace Corps: Building Cultural Bridges in Nicaragua

While studying at Gordon, Anna Jonker ’14 was met with a life-changing opportunity that began when she met a Peace Corps representative at a career fair and received a nudge of encouragement from Dr. Dorothy Boorse (biology).
Os Guinness on the Importance of Following a Covenant

This year’s speaker for the annual Richard F. Gross lecture was award-winning author and social critic Os Guinness. Guinness has been serving as one of Gordon’s visiting distinguished scholars for the 2017–17 academic year. Speaking on the topic… Read More
Gordon College Class of 2017 Commencement

On Saturday, May 20, Gordon College celebrated it’s 125th undergraduate Commencement ceremony and the 20th graduate degree Commencement.
A Passion for Politics and Public Policy

“The past year in politics has given us many things to talk about,” says Dr. Paul Brink (political science). “At Gordon, it has allowed for great conversation among faculty and students about very basic questions concerning what politics is for.”
Sohenga Depestre ’17 Named Collegian of the Year

Sohenga Depestre has been named the 2017 Collegian of the Year, a longstanding tradition that honors the graduating senior who has made the greatest total contribution to the College.