Art, Science and Advocacy: The Many Faces of Our Mental Health

The start of any new semester brings lots of new faces to campus. But the 99 faces in Ken Olsen Science Center don’t belong to first-year students or faculty members.
Bob Goff to Bring Wisdom and Whimsy to Gordon

This year, New York Times Best-selling author Bob Goff, founder of the nonprofit Love Does, will serve as the keynote speaker at the 2018 Homecoming Awards: A Celebration of Faithful Leadership, September 28.
Catching a (World) Vision
During a mission trip to Uganda, Nick Tozier ’19 was struck by the extreme poverty in the slum of Kabalagala. “Homes were dilapidated and overcrowded and the stench of burning trash and sewage was overwhelming,” he says. It… Read More
Exploring the future of gene editing with Dr. Francis Collins

Last weekend, Gordon hosted Dr. Francis Collins, the physician-geneticist known for leading the Human Genome Project, for a public lecture on gene editing.