Homecoming Guests to Talk Racial Healing and Hymn Writing

This weekend at Homecoming, the College will hear from hymn writers Keith and Kristyn Getty of Getty Music, and Sheila Wise Rowe, author of Healing Racial Trauma: The Road to Resilience.
Six Safe On-campus Hangout Ideas: Fall Edition

Knowing that friendship is also one of the most important aspects of a healthy and meaningful college experience, The Bell brainstormed a few pandemic-proof ways you can be enjoying your friends this semester on campus.
Triumph in Tragedy: Remembering 9/11

The tragedies of 9/11 appear in history textbooks and college students are too young to recollect the events, but Chaplain Bob Whittet urges us to loosen our grip on confusion, disbelief and fear, and instead focus on remembrance, gratitude and faith.
Wielding the Weapon of Rhetoric for Good

As press conferences take over TV and headlines clash, Dr. Luke Redington arrives at Gordon to teach students how to wield the weapon of rhetoric ethically, lead Gordon’s Writing Center and help launch a new minor in professional writing.