Four Against-the-grain Practices for Greater Family, Faith and Work Balance
Before Marvin Ellison was the president and CEO of Lowe’s and one of five African American CEOs to make Fortune’s “50 Greatest Leaders” list, he was once a first-year college student at the University of Tennessee trying to make a good impression on his English professor.
Villodas Takes DEEP FAITH into “The Depths of the Soul”
DEEP FAITH Week 2020 brought to campus Rich Villodas, pastor of New Life Fellowship Church in New York City, who preached a message of radical transformation from the inside out.
Why Gordon’s Education Program Is in the Top 15 Nationwide For Early Reading Instruction
Over the last 20 years, American youth have set record-lows for underage drinking, smoking and teenage pregnancies, but they haven’t gotten any better at reading.
From Moral Apathy to Moral Clarity: Ethics Training for the Next Wave of Health Professionals
Last week, after a court ruling in Boston, John Kapoor became the first executive of an opioid manufacturer to be convicted at a criminal trial.
Good Stock: Investment Club Practices Stock Pitches with Boston Portfolio Managers
As stocks fell at the close of the market on Tuesday, Gordon’s Investment Club rose to the 42nd floor of One International Place in Boston to pitch stocks to a panel of Eventide Asset Management portfolio managers.