Creating Sustainable Change: Calvin Dundore’s Recycling Initiative at Pathways for Children

Calvin Dundore ’24, a business major passionate about creation care, helped local business Pathways for Children implement a new recycling and compost system for his internship this past semester.

Gordon Students to Represent Creation Care at COP28  

James Wheeler ’24 and other Gordon students will serve as UN Observers at the 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) for climate action in Dubai, United Arab Emirates from December 4-15, 2023.

Four Gordon Students Receive Broadcast Education Association Awards

This marks the first time Gordon has placed in this top national college production competition, which draws over 1,500 entries each year from some of the biggest, most well-known media colleges from around the nation. 

Annabel Smith ’23: Art for Justice

“You can be faithful and get involved in politics. You can hold to your Christian values and bring change to our broken world.”

Serafina Zotter ’23: Research for Healing

“I actually made a difference. My research is leading to healing for many who are suffering. I know more than ever that I want to be a doctor. And I now understand how to do that in a way that honors the Lord, thanks to Dr. Cornwell.”