From Past to Present: Grace Stinger’s ’24 Graduation Marks Centennial Legacy at Gordon 

Grace Stinger ’24 graduated exactly 100 years after her great-grandmother, but she’s only one of many Gordon grads in her family, as she discovered thanks to the Gordon Archives.

How a First-Year’s Film Won National Acclaim: Mason Cummins ’27 on His Award-Winning Project 

Mason Cummins ’27 made a film for a Communications 101 class that won one of only 30 Awards of Excellence at the annual Broadcast Education Association Festival of Media Arts—the largest national contest of student film projects in the nation, despite the fact he was a first-year student in a 100-level class with an entry-level assignment.

Favorite Spots to Study On or Off Campus

Every college student has their favorite place to study between classes or on the weekends, and Gordon College students are no different. Here are some students’ favorite spots to study on or off campus.

Annabel Smith ’23: Art for Justice

“You can be faithful and get involved in politics. You can hold to your Christian values and bring change to our broken world.”

Autism and the Christian Community: Why Awareness Isn’t Enough

In honor of Autism Acceptance Month, Ling Austin ’22 reflects on why autism awareness is not as powerful or as needed as autism acceptance.