Student Athlete Spotlight: Brooke Kratche ’15

Brooke Kratche ’15 has been a model of consistency over the past four years for Gordon Women’s Basketball.
Student-led Comedy Show Seeks to Reignite Presence of Student Culture

Exit 17 Live is modeled after cult classics Saturday Night Live and The Late Show, combining live sketches with musical guests, video segments, games and more.
Samantha Matthews ’15: Cross-Cultural Art

Samantha Matthews, a senior from New Jersey, has spent the last few academic breaks creating opportunities to connect her art with the lives of others.
Ed Link ’15: From Bullard, Texas to a Summer Internship in Beijing
The transition from Bullard, TX to Wenham, MA is quite drastic: temperatures range from a high of 110 to below zero. But as Ed Link ’15 was finally getting used to the north, he had to pack up… Read More
Gordon College–A Dynamic Vision

When students get their mail or visit Gillies Lounge in Lane Student Center, they now see a new mural created by students in an introductory painting class at Gordon.