Autism and the Christian Community: Why Awareness Isn’t Enough

In honor of Autism Acceptance Month, Ling Austin ’22 reflects on why autism awareness is not as powerful or as needed as autism acceptance.

If Ever I Loved Thee, My Jesus, ‘Tis Now

As followers of Christ around the world sing hymns to honor his death and resurrection this Holy Week, Gordon alumna and staff member Jessica Vandervort ’20 offers a personal reflection on one particular hymn that is near and dear to many in the Gordon community.

For Modern Democracies to Survive, We Must Rally Behind Universal Human Dignity

Anthropologist Dr. Robert Hefner believes that Christians and Muslims will to be central in protecting modern democracies from culture wars—if they can guide societies toward a shared belief in universal human dignity.

Gordon Streaming | Part III: Music and Podcasts

In this final installment of the “Gordon Streaming” series, The Bell introduces you a talented group of podcast hosts, songwriters and musicians. One is a beloved professor, and the rest are Gordon alumni. Happy listening!

Gordon Streaming | Part II: Television

In Part II of the Gordon Streaming series, you’ll meet sitcom-writers, visual effects artists and a beloved Gordon comedian who has made his way to Netflix and HBO.