How to Launch Your Career During an Economic Crisis

In 2008, Mike Schnakenburg, Lucy Mull, and Andrew Breton graduated during the Great Recession—and Dan Stevens ’06 started his own business. Hear their stories and sage advice for this year’s graduating class.

20 Virtual Excursions to Satisfy Your Hunger for Adventure

Out of necessity, the world is “virtualizing” itself, which means there are new things to do on the internet. Here are some ways you can stay put and go somewhere.

Confidence in a Season of Unknown

When Elizabeth Mulley ’19 thinks about what it feels like to walk into the hospital as a nurse’s aide during this season of COVID-19, she likens it to some of her most nerve-wracking experiences as a La Vida sherpa.

New Chaplain, Bob Whittet, Ready to Go the Distance

After the search committee reviewed the applications of over 200 chaplain candidates from around the globe, Bob Whittet’s among them, the committee realized that the person they needed was already here.

Making the Most of Increased Family Time With Young Children

Schools are closed, events are canceled and parents are feeling understandably overwhelmed by the time in close quarters with their children. Sarah Skinner ’06 has some strategies for making the most of your time at home with young kids (that will subtract, not add, to your full plate).