La Vida Goes to China

La Vida in China

A version of this post, by Nate Hausman, originally appeared on the La Vida Center for Outdoor Education and Leadership’s blog. Photos by Amber and Nate Hausman. Pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, striving to “be here now”… Read More

Beauty Given by Grace: Art Exhibit and Lecture

watanabe exhibit

The crowd was soon a mix of burgeoning, young art students and experienced patrons. As people trickled into the foyer of the Barrington Center for the Arts last Tuesday night, they mingled and meandered through the display of… Read More

20 Things You Didn’t Know About Gordon’s New Board of Trustees Leadership


The College’s Board of Trustees is under new leadership, and though their résumés are impressive, to be sure, there’s more to Gordon’s chairman and vice chairman than meets the eye.

3-2 Students Graduate Again

Before starting college, “I knew I was interested in engineering, but was also interested in going to a Christian school,” says Cole Umemura ’14. He found the best of both worlds in Gordon’s 3-2 engineering program, in which… Read More

Keeping Campus Abuzz This Summer

summer at gordon

The majority of students are off campus for the summer—pursuing internships, global seminars and mission opportunities—but a plethora of events bring guests from all over the world to Gordon.