A Conservative “Disruptor” Leading the Charge on Racial Reform

Last Friday Gordon College welcomed public official and conservative think-tank president Kay Coles James for a special conversation with President D. Michael Lindsay in honor of Black History Month.
Four Against-the-grain Practices for Greater Family, Faith and Work Balance

Before Marvin Ellison was the president and CEO of Lowe’s and one of five African American CEOs to make Fortune’s “50 Greatest Leaders” list, he was once a first-year college student at the University of Tennessee trying to make a good impression on his English professor.
Five Life Lessons from Christianity Today’s President

Timothy Dalrymple, CEO and president of Christianity Today, shared with Gordon some of his most profound life lessons on faith and work, from finding Christian community to engaging in politics.
Raytheon Executive Talks Tech and Hire-ability
Frank Jimenez describes himself as a failure. It’s not the word anyone expected to hear from Jimenez, who is vice president, general counsel and corporate secretary of Raytheon Company. Reflecting on his youthful ambitions of becoming a physician,… Read More
Faith Across the Political Aisle

Former Congressman Frank Wolf (R-VA) and former Congressman and UN Ambassador Tony Hall (D-OH) discussed their struggles and victories with navigating politics as people of faith at a recent “Conversations with the President” event.