Seeing God’s World Through African Eyes

Bringing together more than 350 contributors—all of them native Africans, including Gordon’s very own Dr. Dan Darko (biblical studies and Christian ministries)—the Africa Study Bible is designed to offer a translation and commentary of God’s Word that specifically relates to African cultures and values.
Physics Professor Receives Over Half a Million in National Science Foundation Research Grants
The National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded Associate Professor of Physics Dr. Oleksiy Svitelskiy over half a million dollars between two major research grants. The National Science Foundation funds projects “at the frontiers of science and engineering,” monitoring… Read More
Codifying the Contexts of Forgiveness

“We’re studying how people understand forgiveness, what factors shape their understanding, and how it might affect the other facets of their life,” says Carter Crossett ’19 of the summer research project, “Campus as Moral Community: Contextual Understandings of… Read More
Examining Well-being Through Economics
This summer, research assistants Jenn Meakem ’19 and Mike D’Antuono ’18 (pictured right) helped Dr. Kristen Cooper (economics) and her co-authors, Professors Daniel Benjamin (University of Southern California), Ori Heffetz (Cornell University) and Miles Kimball (University of Colorado),… Read More
Gordon Researchers Attack Allergies and Inflammation
The allergy and inflammation satellite lab at Gordon is like “another home,” says Holly Huang ’18, a chemistry major (biochemistry concentration), “since I spend half the day here!” Understanding the biology of the eosinophil, a type of white… Read More