Georgetown’s Steven Harris Explores Christian Fugitivity at Center for Faith and Inquiry Event

In the second Center for Faith and Inquiry lecture of the academic year, Steven Harris, a faith-based public policy expert and scholar of American religious history and African American studies, explored what we can learn from contradictions in American Christian history and the formation of what has been termed “the black church.”
For Modern Democracies to Survive, We Must Rally Behind Universal Human Dignity

Anthropologist Dr. Robert Hefner believes that Christians and Muslims will to be central in protecting modern democracies from culture wars—if they can guide societies toward a shared belief in universal human dignity.
Crime Scenes, Raisin Bread and the Universe

For the 2022 Herrmann Lecture Series, astrophysicist and biblical scholar Dr. Perry Phillips looked back in time at the Big Bang through a lens of Christian faith.
What Inspired a Shepherd Boy to Take on a Giant

In revisiting the life of David, Dr. Ivan Satyavrata provided a roadmap for how any person can be courageous in a moment or season of great fear, no matter how intimidating the opponent.
Brian Mowrey Encourages Gordon to “Say Yes” to DEEP FAITH

This year’s DEEP FAITH Week—what Chaplain Bob Whittet called “a three-day retreat interrupted by classes”—brought Lead Pastor of Walnut Hill Community Church Rev. Dr. Brian Mowrey to Gordon to explore what it means for us to say “yes” to the Lord in a series of four sermons.