Alumni in the Peace Corps: Building Cultural Bridges in Nicaragua

anna jonker

While studying at Gordon, Anna Jonker ’14 was met with a life-changing opportunity that began when she met a Peace Corps representative at a career fair and received a nudge of encouragement from Dr. Dorothy Boorse (biology).

Alumni in the Peace Corps: Cross-Cultural Understanding in Ghana

roland griggs

Since 2015, Roland has been serving as an agriculture volunteer in northern Ghana, where he teaches farm management practices and helps groups of farmers form mutually beneficial partnerships.

Staff Spotlight: Klamesha Richards

klamesha richards

A former art teacher from Chicago, Klamesha Richards discovered a knack for serving college students while pursuing her master’s in intercultural studies. Now she’s the Fulton Hall resident director and champion for diversity on campus.

Presidential Perspectives: At the Center and Top of the World

presidential perspectives

In a new series on The Bell, President Lindsay will be bringing a variety of perspectives from his corner office in Frost to the far-flung corners of the world where he travels—and everything in between.

Gordon’s Orvieto Chef-in-Residence Makes Inaugural Trip Stateside

maria orvieto

Some traveled from as far as Pennsylvania and Mississippi earlier this month to celebrate their shared Gordon IN Orvieto memories as they once again experienced Maria Battistini’s one-of-a-kind Umbrian cuisine and spunk.