Innovation and Experience: An Internship at North Shore Innoventures
This summer, North Shore Innoventures, a non-profit technology business incubator, opened its doors for internship opportunities with Gordon College students. Jordan Van Althuis ’18 was Gordon College’s pioneer intern, completing a 10-week internship at the Beverly-based headquarters. Majoring… Read More
Dan Hurley ’15: The Pay-It-Forward Power of Gordon’s Alumni Network

From Gordon to GE Capital—with stops in China and Hong Kong along the way—recent grad Dan Hurley ’15 prepares to bring two outstanding global business experiences to his first post as an investment analyst.
Sradda Thapa ’08: Communications and Research

Sradda Thapa was a world traveler before she even got to Gordon; besides her home country, Nepal, she had lived in Hong Kong, India, and Australia. In 2012 she moved to Afghanistan, where she is with a communications firm in Kabul that works with government and international agencies.