Creating Pathways to Peace: Gordon’s Collaborative Efforts for Global Harmony  

Gordon and the European Center for the Study of War and Peace (ECSWP)—the host for Gordon’s Balkans semester—recently completed a pioneering practical peacemaking initiative funded by a grant from the Lilly Fellows Program involving schools like Harvard University and Messiah University to incorporate peacemaking into curricula and student life of their universities.

From Boston to Rwanda: Initial Steps of the Class of 2019

Before packing up and leaving campus for good, several graduates let The Bell know where they’d be taking their first postgraduate steps. 

Sarah Hague ’14: Liaison in Federal Legislature

Sarah Hague ’14 was recently hired as a caseworker for U.S. Representative Carolyn Maloney (NY-12). Hague began her work with Maloney as an intern as part of her master’s program practicum in August of 2015, and was hired five months later. “As… Read More