Can GMOs Honor God? Dr. Ming Zheng’s Research in Biotechnology

Dr. Ming Zheng, professor of biology, spent his recent sabbatical in research labs exploring how to make immature corn pollen systems reproduce more quickly—which will ultimately help people get the food they need faster.
Matthew Ravichandran ’23 Wins ASA Early Career Scientist Award for Bridging Faith and Science

Matthew Ravichandran ’23, the American Scientific Affiliation 2024 Early Career Scientist Award recipient, talks about his current job as a research technician in the Puigserver Lab at the Dana-Farber Institute.
5 Things You Didn’t Know Are in the Gordon College Archives

The Gordon College Archives is full of magical artifacts. Here are five of the wonderful items you can find there.
The Role of Research Labs in Drug Discovery: Sam Sherratt ’15 on Elucida Labs’ Work

Sam Sherratt ’15, scientific director at Elucida Research, a biotech company in Beverly, MA, talks about his role working in a research lab and trends in the world of cardiovascular health.
Faithful Creativity in a Digital Age

In celebration of the new Adams School of Music and the Arts, we sat down with some of the professors in the new school for their perspective on art, faith, and how those two are relevant in the face of our current times and technology.