From Adversity to Advocacy: First-Gen Student Vinnycius Alves’ Mission to Bridge Mental Health Gaps in Urban Communities

Vinnycius “Vinny” Alves `26 talks about how he felt God was calling him to be the first in his family to attend college, where he could combine psychology and biblical studies into a practical career that helps heal others through God’s love.
Creating as a Calling: Student Reflects on Visit from Praxis Lab’s Jon Hart

As a senior, with the pressure of graduation just a few months away, I’ve been more concerned with choosing the right headshot than improving someone else’s day with my clear work descriptions. But after an hour and a half with Jon Hart of Praxis Labs, my LinkedIn profile was back in draft.
Summer at Noble Refreshes Young Scientist’s Perspective

After interning as a plant science scholar, Liza Antonelli ’21 has a very different idea about what it means to be a serious scientist.
The Fruits of Homesickness

On the North Shore of Boston, there are sunflowers on professors’ desks and fresh green beans on the plates of college students and homeless people alike—all because Saliha Grace Shelton ’20 first asked herself the question: What do I miss about Turkey?
Places for Truth Telling

There are some places better left private. A doctor’s office, a jury room, a parent-teacher conference, a marriage counseling session: if these places became public, they would no longer feel safe.