From Greed to Grace: Michael O’Siadhail’s Poetry Sheds Insight on Human Desire

On February 5 the Center for Faith and Inquiry and the Princemere Writers Series collaborated to invite Irish poet Micheal O’Siadhail, who presented his own approach to navigating questions of self and service—poetry. An internationally acclaimed and award-winning sonneteer, his newest book Desire asks, what is it that we really desire, and what is truly worth desiring?
Visiting Scholar N. T. Wright to Deliver Symposium Keynote Address

Renowned theologian, scholar and author The Rt. Rev. Dr. N. T. Wright, professor of New Testament and Early Christianity at University of St. Andrews (Scotland), will be on campus next week to deliver three lectures.
Is Faith More Powerful Than the “Big C”?: Renowned Oncologist and Visiting Scholar Demystifies Cancer
Dr. Ken Bishop ’98 is a Gordon alumnus, a professor at Brown University and a doctor. As an oncologist, Dr. Bishop has devoted much of his life to studying “the big c,” and he’s coming to Gordon several… Read More