3-2 Students Graduate Again
Before starting college, “I knew I was interested in engineering, but was also interested in going to a Christian school,” says Cole Umemura ’14. He found the best of both worlds in Gordon’s 3-2 engineering program, in which… Read More
The Biologist and the Beekeeper

For years, Dr. Craig Story (biology) listened to requests from students interested in having a bee hive to study apiculture, or beekeeping. Now for the first time, Gordon has its own hive and a new student club, the Gordon College Beekeeping Association (GCBA).
Business Strategies and Savvy Finances: An Internship in Hong Kong

Preparing to study abroad requires entering the mindset that your experience will be both challenging and rewarding. After all, the wave of excitement and culture shock is likely to hit. But what happens when you intern abroad?
Breaking the Fourth Wall: Reinventing Shakespearean Performance

In the heart of the Jewish Ghetto in Venice, Italy, Karin Coonrod ’75 directed “The Merchant of Venice,” followed by a mock trial for the play’s main character held by Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Education Research Enhances Math Teaching
This summer, several student-faculty teams spent time tackling research projects in the arts and sciences—from asthma to accounting audits, bilingualism and women in leadership. Some were funded through the Provost’s Summer Research Fellowships, and others were individual projects…. Read More