Bon Appétit Brings New Food Options to Gordon

Starting this summer, Gordon College will expand the variety and quality of food products served in our dining facilities through a partnership with Bon Appétit Management Company.
Presidential Perspectives: A 50-Year Legacy
When I first came to Gordon, I kept hearing the name John Mason. Even though he had retired years earlier, this venerable faculty member’s legacy held fast.
Golf and “Geek Speak”: The Physics Behind the Sport

Despite the size of his golf club collection, you won’t find Dr. David Lee out on the green or keeping tabs on the Masters Tournament next month. He’s more interested in the physics behind the sport than playing the sport itself.
Honoring the Women of Gordon’s History

In celebration of Women’s History Month this March, we honor the many women who have paved the way at Gordon over the years and the more than 250 women whose valuable contributes continue to shape the College today.