The Power of “Yes”

Meet Eric and Holly (Holbrook) Nelson ’89. They formed Special Hope Network after adopting their children Maggie, Mollie, and Sam. They experienced first-hand the profound need in developing areas for children with intellectual disabilities to have access to the critical care, facilities, and support that they need to thrive.

From Gordon to Microsoft: Ari Dospassos ’21 Shares Insights on Software Engineering 

 Ari Dos Passos ’21, who studied computer science at Gordon and now works as a software engineer at Microsoft, shares about his job working in software and technology, as well as his passion for computer science. 

The Power of Choice

“I serve a God who cares deeply about justice. In these situations justice is about looking at people as real people and not as moral failures.” As leader of Amirah, a Beverly, MA-based nonprofit that provides exit and aftercare opportunities to women in the commercial sex trade, Dr. Mary Speta, ‘14 serves more than 100 sex trafficking survivors each year.

Empowering Cross-Cultural Discipleship: Gordon Students Translate Key Christian Discipleship Book 

Hannah Donnelly `21, Anne Shearer `24, Kellyn Burden `24 and Libby Trudeau `24, are making a Christian discipleship book, originally written in Spanish by Dr. Guillermo Mac Kenzie, accessible for English-speaking Christians and English readers interested in Christianity.

­­Meet the 2023 Homecoming Awardees

On Friday, September 29, Gordon’s Homecoming and Family Weekend will kick off with an evening reception honoring nine alumni for their impactful work and faithfulness to Christ.