Melkonian-Hoover Addresses Immigration Conversation Among Evangelicals in New Book

Ruth Melkonian-Hoover (political science) hopes to shed light on immigration reform from a perspective of faith in her new book, ‘Evangelicals and Immigration: Fault Lines Among the Faithful.’

Missiologist to Join Department of Biblical Studies and Christian Ministries

Rev. Dr. Daniel S.H. Ahn is Gordon’s newest professor of biblical studies and Christian ministries. As a missiologist, he has trained missionaries and taught theology in more than six countries from East Asia to North Africa.

The Theory of Thriving

Having been awarded a Shared Justice Student-Faculty Research Prize, Paul Brink (political science) and Jordan Bellamy ’20 investigated the effects of the increasing housing prices on the North Shore of Massachusetts, specifically in the city of Lynn.

Reimagining Shalom

With guidance and encouragement from Sybil Coleman (social work), Kelly (Connolly) Palmer ’13, LMSW, is working toward God’s vision of justice—something she likens to shalom.

An Experiment in Multilayered Mentorship

Dr. Evangeline “Angie” Cornwell (biology), Courtney Olbrich ’18 and Dr. Lisa Spencer ’95 investigate the function of a certain type of white blood cell in the rise of allergies, specifically food allergies.