$50,000 Grant Fuels Growth of Gordon College’s Heritage Summer Program  

The Heritage program at Gordon College, directed by Salome Palmer ’21, has received a $50,000 grant from the Forum for Theological Exploration to sustain one of Gordon’s premiere summer programs and to expand its reach.

Gordon College Named Among Best Value Colleges for 2024 by The Princeton Review  

For the second year in a row, Gordon College has been named one of the 209 “Best Value Colleges” by The Princeton Review®.

How Clyde Wynia Turned Scraps of Metal into Prehistoric Art at Jurustic Park  

Clyde Wynia ’58 and his wife, Nancy, are the proprietors of Jurustic Park, a unique attraction that brings 17,000 visitors annually from around the world.

Gordon in Orvieto’s 25th Anniversary: A Pilgrimage Through Faith and Culture  

On June 13-14, more than 100 students, faculty and staff of the Gordon in Orvieto program traveled back to the Italian hill city to celebrate the program’s 25th anniversary.

Creating Pathways to Peace: Gordon’s Collaborative Efforts for Global Harmony  

Gordon and the European Center for the Study of War and Peace (ECSWP)—the host for Gordon’s Balkans semester—recently completed a pioneering practical peacemaking initiative funded by a grant from the Lilly Fellows Program involving schools like Harvard University and Messiah University to incorporate peacemaking into curricula and student life of their universities.