Gordon College Announces Naming of Peter Herschend School of Education, Additional Programs to Accelerate Excellence in Teaching Reading

“For Gordon faculty, literacy is an issue of social responsibility and justice,” Ballock says. “This is why Gordon faculty are committed to the science of reading. We want all PK-12 students to develop into confident and skilled readers, and we know using evidence-based practices yields a benefit to all students.”
The Power of Gratitude: Dr. Ivy George’s Vision for a United Society

On January 23 Gordon’s Center for Faith and Inquiry (CFI) hosted its first event of the semester on its year long theme of “The one and the many.” Ivy George, professor of sociology, explained in her talk, “Oneing and Hospitality” the beginnings of a new project that examines the Christian’s role of hospitality in restoring our country to peace and unity through the concept of “oneing.” To restore our relationships with each other, we first need to restore our relationship with God and our posture towards gratitude and wonder.
Empowering Cross-Cultural Discipleship: Gordon Students Translate Key Christian Discipleship Book

Hannah Donnelly `21, Anne Shearer `24, Kellyn Burden `24 and Libby Trudeau `24, are making a Christian discipleship book, originally written in Spanish by Dr. Guillermo Mac Kenzie, accessible for English-speaking Christians and English readers interested in Christianity.
Climate Advocacy in Action: Gordon College Student Engages at COP28

Carolina França ’24 just returned from COP28 in Dubai where she met Christians, Muslims and individuals from around the world who are currently suffering from climate-related tragedies all too familiar to her.
Reflections On Thriving: The Gift Of Work

As a longtime career development professional, I am struck by God’s commitment to preparing people of faith for lives of work, service, ministry and contribution around the globe. Gordon’s mission—a timeless statement of this intentional preparation for contribution—is joined by the invitation to students to thrive in the fullest sense of that word.