Gordon Partners with Curry College to Launch Dual-Degree Nursing Program

Gordon College announces a new dual-degree nursing program in conjunction with Curry College, with the first cohort to begin in the fall of 2019.

Grammy Nominations for Gordon Music Instructors

As members of the Boston-based chamber orchestra A Far Cry, Gordon Department of Music string instructors Megumi Stohs Lewis and Rafael (Rafi) Popper-Keizer are nominated for two Grammy Awards.

‘Evangelicals and Immigration’ Study Sheds Important New Light on How Evangelicals are Wrestling with Immigration

The role of religion, particularly evangelical Protestant Christianity, on Immigration. Where are the divides and what is the role of the Church?

From ‘Me’ to ‘We’: Reclaiming a Reciprocal Gospel

In her new book published by InterVarsity Press last month, Dr. Sharon Ketcham addresses the root of why rising generations are leaving the American evangelical Church.

Melkonian-Hoover Addresses Immigration Conversation Among Evangelicals in New Book

Ruth Melkonian-Hoover (political science) hopes to shed light on immigration reform from a perspective of faith in her new book, ‘Evangelicals and Immigration: Fault Lines Among the Faithful.’