The Economics of Global Poverty

Gordon hosted the Economics of Global Poverty conference January 5-7. As billions worldwide struggle on $2 per day or less, the conference brought together gospel-informed scholars committed to rigorous research on addressing global poverty.

Release Party

On a Friday in mid-December in the midst of the hustle and bustle of finals week, students gathered in Chester’s Place for a joint release party of Gordon’s two literary journals: Vox Populi and The Idiom. Each publication encourages the greater Gordon community to participate.

Peter Berger to Present “The Challenge of Religious Pluralism”

Globally recognized for his contributions in the field of sociology, religion and culture studies Peter Berger (Boston University) will be interviewed on his newest book, “The Many Alters of Modernity” by Senior Fellow Gregor Thuswaldner (Center for Faith & Inquiry).

The Annual Crum Lecture—Augustine and the Art of Politics

In honor of his grandfather’s work in academia, Princeton University Professor Eric Gregory will speak on Augustine and politics followed by a rededication of Gregory Auditorium—a popular lecture hall on Gordon’s campus named for Dr. Carlton Gregory, the speakers grandfather.

Remembering R. Judson Carlberg, Seventh President of Gordon College

R. Judson Carlberg, who served Gordon College for 35 years, including nearly 20 years as its president, died early Thursday morning, November 20, at the Kaplan Family Hospice House in Danvers, Massachusetts, after a battle with cancer. He was 74.