A Summer at MIT

Hannah Jang

English and secondary education double major Hannah Jang ’16 spent her summer out of her comfort zone but close to home. Well, her college home anyway.

Innovation and Experience: An Internship at North Shore Innoventures

This summer, North Shore Innoventures, a non-profit technology business incubator, opened its doors for internship opportunities with Gordon College students. Jordan Van Althuis ’18 was Gordon College’s pioneer intern, completing a 10-week internship at the Beverly-based headquarters. Majoring… Read More

Introducing the 2015–16 Presidential Fellows

Presidential Fellows

They come from nearby Boston and Beverly, and as far as Japan and China. They’re the Gordon College Presidential Fellows, the fourth cohort in this innovative leadership honors program.

What the Wilderness Taught Me

La Vida reflection

“Void of technology and being fully present, it is in the Adirondack Mountains of upstate New York that students find out how to experience true growth and empowerment through Jesus Christ.”

You Are Here: Poland Missions Trip 2015

Gordon Poland missions team

Ashley Miller ’18 is a double major in art and English language and literature from Rowley, MA. This summer, Ashley was part of the Gordon missions team to Poland. She brings their story to The Bell. This past… Read More