Avodah: A Thanksgiving Reflection

Avodah encompasses a spiritual notion that inspires the Christian community to revere the Lord through work, service and worship. When work and service are viewed as worship, perspectives of the daily grind are filtered through a mindset of humility and gratitude.

Climate Change and Christianity: The 2017 Crum Lecture

In the last year, there have been 19 major floods and over 160 natural disasters in the United States. Wet areas are growing wetter and dry areas are becoming drier. An increased percentage of moisture in the air… Read More

Blood and Gifts

Gordon College Theatre Department’s fall play tackles political war drama about Afghanistan. The show is directed by Professor of Theatre Arts Jeffrey Miller and runs October 27-28, 31 and November 1–4, 2017.

Career Services Launches New Recruitment Event: Business and STEM Fair

In addition to its annual internship and job fairs, Career Services is launching more focused events this year to allow students to network with professionals in their specific fields of interest. Today’s Business and STEM Fair is the… Read More

From Food Scraps to First Fruits: A Story of Compassion Sponsorship

Once a Compassion International sponsor child and now a Compassion employee, Keewani Vallejo shared her story of redemption and hope at Gordon recently.