Gordon’s Orvieto Chef-in-Residence Makes Inaugural Trip Stateside

maria orvieto

Some traveled from as far as Pennsylvania and Mississippi earlier this month to celebrate their shared Gordon IN Orvieto memories as they once again experienced Maria Battistini’s one-of-a-kind Umbrian cuisine and spunk.

Timely Talk on Tolerance by Dr. Stan Gaede

Given the current cultural landscape in our nation, it is timely for Gordon’s scholar-in-residence, Christian College Consortium President Dr. Stan Gaede, to publish When Tolerance is No Virtue—and it’s no surprise that the book is a bestseller. “One… Read More

Undergraduate Research Takes Center Stage at Convocation

“Math is something only smart people can do.” “Eosinophils could fit into a Star Wars narrative.” “We make Jesus more like us.” These sensational claims share a common thread: Each was explored this past summer by professor-student research… Read More

Running Late: A New Play Festival

The floor mimics concrete slabs, dotted with age, and a balcony lines the rustic, gray-blue distressed doors and walls. Over the course of six short plays—all written, directed and performed by Gordon students—the simple, versatile set goes from… Read More

A Campus Home for Commuters

commuter lounge

“I used the commuter lounge every single day last semester,” Caroline Dally ’18 said. “It was exactly what we needed as commuters to feel part of a community on the Gordon campus by offering a small space to connect.”