Trust the Process: “Lives of Reconciliation” with Dr. Michelle Loyd-Paige

Inauguration Day brought America a new president, and to Gordon College it also brought an engaging Convocation speaker: Dr. Michelle Loyd-Paige, professor of sociology and executive associate to the president for diversity and inclusion at Calvin College. “While… Read More

Students Engineer Tech Toys in the Spirit of Christmas

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Using the programming and engineering skills they have accumulated to date, first-year engineering students were given the task of creating a Christmas toy—many even went the extra mile and presented their creations in Christmas giftwrap.

Ian Hutchinson and Os Guinness Welcomed as Distinguished Visiting Scholars

This fall, two renowned academics accepted one-year appointments as Distinguished Visiting Scholars at Gordon, hosted by the Center for Faith and Inquiry. Physicist Ian Hutchinson and author Os Guinness engage with the life of the campus as they… Read More

Fashion and Activism: How Julie Overby ’06 Uses Her Passion for Good

A communication arts major, she was skilled in writing, designing and art—and she knew that she wanted to make a change in the world by helping to end human trafficking.

Alumni in the Peace Corps: Libbi Wilson ’15 Teaches English in China

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Libbi Wilson ’15 is more than 16 months into a two-year assignment in China, teaching approximately 100 university students across six classes in three unique subjects.