Embracing the Uncomfortable: A Conversation with Gerry Newkirck ’69

gerry newkirck

Gerry Newkirck—’69 Gordon alum and retired CEO of the Tractor Supply Company—has lived a life of high risk and high reward, but his motto has always been simple: make decisions, own them and don’t look back.

Making Sense of the Middle East Conflict

Dr. Heather Keaney, associate professor of history and director of the Istanbul Semester at Westmont College, recently visited Gordon to shed light on the turbulence in the Middle East by sharing Sunni scholars’ response. In a lecture hosted… Read More

Buoyed: A Thanksgiving Reflection


We’re not naturally inclined to be thankful for what we feel we’re owed. But when we understand that we are deserving of absolutely nothing, that every good gift is from the Father, hopefully a deep sense of gratitude follows.

Spark Electrifies Student Body with Faculty Research

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For undergraduate students, research can be a foreign, sometimes frightening concept because of its seemingly esoteric nature. But for many Gordon students, it’s an integral part of the learning experience.

Dr. Tim Sherratt Provides a Hopeful Outlook on Presidential Election


In this political climate of widespread apathy among the electorate, where the two characters that prevailed to become America’s major party presidential candidates have the lowest favorability ratings to date, Dr. Sherratt contends there is still hope.