Sean Lovell ’07: Statistician

Sean Lovell and his wife, Duyen, began their overseas adventure on day one: their wedding day in Vietnam. After time at USC, where Sean earned a master’s degree in economics, and three years in New York, where he… Read More
William Park ’95: Financial Services
Bill Park has been with State Street Bank and Trust Company for 18 years. He started in its Boston office, and in 2005 became Korea branch manager; at 33, he was the youngest country manager in the firm’s… Read More
God, Globalization, and the Good Society in Asia Today
The Center for Faith and Inquiry is pleased to host a one-day conference, “God, Globalization, and the Good Society in Asia Today” at Gordon College. Brian Grim, president, The Religious Freedom & Business Foundation, will give the conference keynote address.
Lacrosse Leads Alumnus to Eastern Orthodox Ministry

By Mary Hierholzer ’16 Believe it or not, lacrosse teams and the Eastern Orthodox Church are not completely unrelated entities, especially if you’re Gordon alumnus Mike Tishel ’08. Twenty-seven years old and engaged to be married in October,… Read More
STEM^2 Summit: Lighting the Fire for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

By Mary Hierholzer, ’16 “A little bit of desire is worth a whole lot of opportunity.” Dean Kamen is an inventor, entrepreneur and advocate for science and technology. He, the man responsible for the Segway, was one of about… Read More