Gordon Scores High on “Whole-Life” ROI (return on investment)

Class of 2015

The Gallup-Purdue Index is a groundbreaking study measuring key factors that are strongly correlated with well-being post-college, both in the workplace and in personal lives. Gordon alumni scored their college experience far higher than the national averages.

Anna Boorse Doubeni ’90: Medical Educator

Perhaps you took the same Gordon sociology course Anna Doubeni did—or was it anthropology? Perhaps you read the same article about an aid agency digging a well in the center of a village in sub-Saharan Africa to provide… Read More

Lisa Edmondson Buettner ’87: Management Consultant

Lisa Buettner helps some of the world’s major companies develop their senior leaders’ skills. For instance, she helped sales leaders at Hewlett Packard develop strategic acumen and rise from selling products to selling “solutions.” She helped global directors… Read More

Gina Kulig Bradley ’01: Financial Services

A political science major at Gordon, Gina Bradley earned a law degree and then embarked on a career in the finance industry. She currently is chief operating officer, general counsel, and a principal of The Colony Group, a… Read More

Inaugural Malcolm Reid Lecture

Faith Seeking Understanding lecture series announces Oliver O’Donovan (University of Edinburgh) as keynote speaker for the Inaugural Malcolm Reid Lecture at Gordon College.