Tim Hohman ’07: Alzheimer’s Researcher

It’s rare to choose a vocation in high school and make it stick, rarer still for the vocation to center on a disease of the elderly. But that’s Tim Hohman’s story.
Malcolm Foster ’88: Associated Press Journalist

As a Christian in the media, Malcolm believes that journalism plays important roles that carry spiritual significance: telling the truth, promoting global understanding, shedding light in dark places and holding people in authority accountable.
Summer Research Tries to Fight World Hunger
What started as a few equations has evolved into a double major in economics and math, and a research project to battle world hunger.
Jim Belcher ’87: President-elect, Providence Christian College
Church planter. Lead pastor. Author. Pilgrim. Professor. Through all these phases of his career, Jim Belcher has been passionate about ecclesiology—the theological study of the nature and function of the Church…