Is Faith More Powerful Than the “Big C”?: Renowned Oncologist and Visiting Scholar Demystifies Cancer

Dr. Ken Bishop ’98 is a Gordon alumnus, a professor at Brown University and a doctor. As an oncologist, Dr. Bishop has devoted much of his life to studying “the big c,” and he’s coming to Gordon several… Read More

Career Services Launches New Recruitment Event: Business and STEM Fair

In addition to its annual internship and job fairs, Career Services is launching more focused events this year to allow students to network with professionals in their specific fields of interest. Today’s Business and STEM Fair is the… Read More

From Food Scraps to First Fruits: A Story of Compassion Sponsorship

Once a Compassion International sponsor child and now a Compassion employee, Keewani Vallejo shared her story of redemption and hope at Gordon recently.

Partners in Health CEO Addresses on the Plagues and Hope in Medicine

CEO colloquium

Gary Gottlieb, CEO of Partners in Health, was the featured guest of the quarterly CEO Colloquium presented by Gordon College at the Four Seasons Hotel in Boston.

Tal Howard Delivers Symposium Keynote Address


“I’m persuaded that 500 years after the Reformation, evangelicals cannot simply yawn and walk away from Christ’s command that we all be one,” proclaimed former CFI Director Dr. Tal Howard, now of Valparaiso University.