Prashan De Visser ’08: Relationships Across Enemy Lines

As a young boy who grew up in a country experiencing a brutal 28-year civil war, Prashan de Visser ’08 realized how easy it was to hate someone. But by forming friendships, he learned that the stereotypes of the “enemy” were often wrong.
Matt Taylor ’06: Decoding Disabilities

As a post-doctoral scholar in STEM education, Dr. Matt Taylor ’06 is in the business of turning perceived weaknesses into strengths—with help from NASA and a robot named Dash.
Kevin ’09 and Ryn Grant ’10: Opening the North Shore’s New Haunt

At The Castle, the North Shore’s very own board game and trivia night café in Beverly, MA, you’ll likely find yourself doing things you never thought possible— like giving your friends some bad tattoos or traveling back in time to solve a mystery.
Kaitlyn Trabucco ’07: Empowering Women Through Education

Inspired by a trip to Haiti following the disastrous earthquake in 2010, Kaitlyn Trabucco ’07 has been on a mission to empower female entrepreneurs and make education more accessible.