Unlocking Demand: Mandy Liu’s Economic Study Reveals Need for HPV Vaccines in Nepal

Mandy Liu, professor of economics, presented her research “Like Mother Like Daughter? Behavioral and Economic Factors to Determine HPV Vaccination for Mothers and Adolescent Daughters: Evidence in Nepal” at the Himalayan Policy Research Consortium (HPRC) on December 3-4, 2023.
Unveiling the Impact of AI on Art and Memory: Gregory Deddo’s Exhibition at Barrington

Gregory Deddo, professor of art, tackles questions about identity, memory, AI and more in his exhibit “How the Morning Itself Appears,” on display until December 16 in the Gallery at Barrington Center for the Arts at Gordon College.
Kaye Cook Awarded $275,000 Grant for Divine Forgiveness Research

Kaye Cook (psychology) was awarded a $275,000 Templeton subgrant through Frank Fincham of the Florida State University Research Center to study experiences of divine forgiveness using diverse methods and in diverse countries.
What has faith to do with immigration?

Dr. Ruth Melkonian Hoover, professor of political science, explores the intersection of faith and immigration.
What has faith to do with entrepreneurship?

Dr. Jeffrey Stevenson, director of the center for entrepreneurial leadership, explores the intersection of faith and entrepreneurship.