On-board With Abroad: Three Students Reflect on Their Unique Study Abroad Experiences During an Age of COVID

From Croatia to Lithuania, Spain and South Korea, Gordon students braved pandemic restrictions to study abroad.
Changing the Tune of Representation in Classical Music

Embracing being Black has been a lifelong journey for Michael Ellis Ingram, who moved to Germany in 2010 to pursue a career in music. Read about his personal journey and revelations.
Lessons on Pandemics from a War-torn Country

As a family physician in the COVID-19 hotspot of Lynn, MA, business is anything but usual for Brent Fryling ’92. But his background detecting and treating tuberculosis in Afghanistan makes him thankful to be here in the U.S
When Opposites Attract

TIMEUS MULINGE ’23 | Major: art (design studio concentration) | Hometown: Mombasa, Kenya | Aspiring architect, introverted creative, newfound outdoorsman.
Finding Her Voice Underground and Up Front

JABEZ ’21 | Majors: finance and economics | From: China | Most admires: “my father—he has the strongest faith I have ever seen.”