Lessons on Pandemics from a War-torn Country

As a family physician in the COVID-19 hotspot of Lynn, MA, business is anything but usual for Brent Fryling ’92. But his background detecting and treating tuberculosis in Afghanistan makes him thankful to be here in the U.S
Alum Awarded White House Honors for Medical Breakthroughs

Dr. John E. Harris ’98 receives the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, the highest honor bestowed by the U.S. Government to outstanding scientists and engineers beginning their independent research careers.
Is Faith More Powerful Than the “Big C”?: Renowned Oncologist and Visiting Scholar Demystifies Cancer
Dr. Ken Bishop ’98 is a Gordon alumnus, a professor at Brown University and a doctor. As an oncologist, Dr. Bishop has devoted much of his life to studying “the big c,” and he’s coming to Gordon several… Read More
Anna Boorse Doubeni ’90: Medical Educator

Perhaps you took the same Gordon sociology course Anna Doubeni did—or was it anthropology? Perhaps you read the same article about an aid agency digging a well in the center of a village in sub-Saharan Africa to provide… Read More