Education Majors Jump in to Close Literacy Gap

Gordon students Bethany Carsey ’22, Clara Mund ’22, Olivia Rose ’22, and Kalyn Oliveira ’22 were four of the student-teachers working in Chelsea over the summer to get students back on track with their learning, after the pandemic and the transition to remote learning created a major literacy gap for young readers.

A Peek Behind the Scenes of an Orchestra and a Glimpse into the Future

A summer internship with the Hartford Symphony Orchestra introduced music major Hunter Hess ’22 to new career possibilities and inspirations.

The Sanctuary of Songwriting During SARS-COV-2

Shant Arakelian with his bassoon

While people were baking homemade sourdough bread, adopting pets and remodeling bathrooms to make the most of being stuck at home during the pandemic, music performance major Shant Arakelian ’21 was composing a six-movement sonata about his life.

Senior Student-athletes Reflect on a Season During COVID-19

Athletics seasons looked far different from the usual competition this year, so two seniors share about both the challenges and opportunities to grow.

Creativity in Crisis: How Gordon’s Thespians Adapted to COVID Constraints

In a typical semester, theatre students would use facial expressions to help tell a story, audiences would sit shoulder to shoulder to watch live performances, and cast members would hold hands for their final bow. This year, those familiar rhythms have been replaced by totally new ways of doing things.