The Growth and Movement of the Global Church

“There is not one square inch of the entire creation about which Jesus Christ does not cry out, ‘This is mine! This belongs to me!’” – Abraham Kuyper (Dutch statesman and theologian) How is God moving in his… Read More

Deepening Educational Ties with China

Great Wall of China

Chinese leader Xi Jinping made his first visit to the United States as president this week. After a short stop in Seattle, he arrived in Washington, D.C., where he was formally welcomed with a traditional 21-gun salute this… Read More

One Student’s Summer: A World of Opportunity

Toussaint Williams ’18 is a double major in international affairs and communication arts, a Clarendon Scholar, and a leader of the Gordon Swing Dance Club (he offers this shameless plug: “Everyone should join.”). This summer, Toussaint jetted from his… Read More

Peter Berger is Distinguished Visiting Scholar

                    Dr. Peter Berger, former Director of Boston University’s Institute on Culture, Religion, and World Affairs, and Professor Emeritus of Religion, Sociology and Theology at BU, has accepted a one-year appointment as… Read More

Dan Hurley ’15: The Pay-It-Forward Power of Gordon’s Alumni Network

From Gordon to GE Capital—with stops in China and Hong Kong along the way—recent grad Dan Hurley ’15 prepares to bring two outstanding global business experiences to his first post as an investment analyst.