Creating as a Calling: Student Reflects on Visit from Praxis Lab’s Jon Hart

As a senior, with the pressure of graduation just a few months away, I’ve been more concerned with choosing the right headshot than improving someone else’s day with my clear work descriptions. But after an hour and a half with Jon Hart of Praxis Labs, my LinkedIn profile was back in draft.
Five Brexit Insights from a Former British Diplomat

For the United Kingdom, the Halloween season held more anticipation and suspense than haunted houses and spooky costumes. It was to be a fateful day determining the country’s future—Brexit. Over three years since Britain voted through referendum to… Read More
VMware CEO Pat Gelsinger on the Imminent (and Positive) Permeation of Technology

“Every one of us needs to become technologically capable regardless of the field that you’re participating in,” said Pat Gelsinger at a Work Ahead: Ready for 2030 event. “So the idea of lifelong education and re-education becomes the central thesis of what the next several decades of work will look like.”
Enneagram Expert and Grammy-nominated Musician at Homecoming

Homecoming and Family Weekend 2019 will include visits from two special guests—Ian Morgan Cron hosting an Enneagram workshop, and David Leonard leading worship at the Homecoming Awards.
Symposium Speaker Finds Hope Amidst Greek Refugee Crisis

At Symposium, Greek expat Dr. Christine Palmer delivered the Richard Gross Keynote Address, speaking from personal experience to describe the impacts of the Greek refugee crisis and where Christianity fits in.